Think about it? Who do we run to when life throws us a curve ball? Do we call our best friend? Do we get on the computer and let our fingers run away at the keyboard? Do we get on the phone and spew emotions then later want to take some of those words back? Do we default back to the Nicolaitan structure of letting the ‘pastor’ or ‘teacher’ make everything better, because of course we have been programmed that such ones have a direct line to Yahuah?
Please do not get me wrong. Ventilating after being violated is good unless we let our emotions get out of balance with our thinking, and thus we become so angry we “fail to sin not.” Anger is a valid emotion as long as we ‘sin not’ in the process. We should take ‘pause’ or H-A-L-T, whenever we are Hungry; Angry; Lonely; or Tired.
Psalm 4:4 (Brenton) Be ye angry, and sin not; feel compunction upon your beds for what ye say in your hearts. Pause.
Psalm 4:4 (KJV) Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.
Eph 4:26 “Be wroth, but do not sin.” Psa_4:4 Do not let the sun go down on your rage, Eph 4:27 nor give place to the devil.
This topic is something I have been wanting to address for a while and recent messages I have received reminded me to get with the program. It was already on my ‘to do’ list but Yah gave me a nudge to address this topic now and more formally before our Heart & Soul series. You see, we are about to venture into understanding more about brokenness and soul fragments. A condition that both believers and non-believers deal with. The only coping difference between the two, should be ‘Who do we run to?’ Yes, we do need prayer support from one another, but Yahusha always needs to be our first source and not our last minute supplement. We need to put the time, energy, risks, and love into ‘working out our own needed work.’ Selah.
In our upcoming Heart & Soul series starting November 4th, we will discover the extreme importance of what Dr. Bob Strachan has defined as the 5 V’s. Keep in mind, it is extremely important to be able to ventilate after we experience a violation; to be validated; to exercise forgiveness through vindication; and follow through with the necessary steps of e-Viction. But all must be kept within biblical context; be kept orderly; and be presented in a safe secure environment.
Most of those who subscribe or follow my website, blogs, and vlogs, know, or at least want to know more, about functioning as His Melchizedek Kingdom of Priests. Most of us have come out of the Nicolaitan Religious structure that prides itself on positions that ‘lord’ over the congregants rather than developing their functions as His Covenant believers. This development should include instructing the assembly on how to powerfully function in their priestly gifts within the body of believers as the One New Man.
Eph 2:13 (TS2009) But now in Messiah יהושע you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of the Messiah. Eph 2:14 For He is our peace, who has made both one, and having broken down the partition of the barrier, Eph 2:15 having abolished in His flesh the enmityd – the torah of the commands in dogma [Book of the Law] – so as to create in Himself one renewed [New] man from the two, thus making peace, Footnote: dAlso see Col_2:14, Col_2:20, Act_11:1-3. [Emphasis mine]
Why am I addressing this topic now? Because I need to ask those of you that have entered His Kingdom of Priests through His blood ratified covenant to remember that our sandals of authority have been removed. We have chosen to walk in His authority rather than our own (and I am preaching to myself). We all are a work in progress, but we are not blind nor are we deaf. However, there may be those that participate in the Heart & Soul series that are blind and deaf that will be relying on us to show strength in Him as did King David. In doing so, we not only help heal ourselves but others. This can only be accomplished by directing steps to run to the One that can heal and set our soul fragments free – Yahusha, Jesus of Nazareth.
1Sa 30:6 (TS2009) And Dawiḏ was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the being of all the people was grieved, each for his sons and his daughters. But Dawiḏ strengthened himself in יהוה his Elohim.
Therefore, in our upcoming introductory series on Heart & Soul, I ask those of us in Covenant with Yahusha to present ourselves in our priestly role to others. Time is short, and though we may not have everything figured out, we have received and applied His Truth more than most. Our sessions will focus on educating attendees about brokenness and introducing them to tools that can be utilized in communing with Yahuah for healing in order to be able to love Him with our whole heart. This initial platform will NOT be the place for airing out our brokenness but to create a safe place for learning, hope, awareness, understanding, and growth.
His Kingdom Covenant of Priests are the ones that have the duty to bring prayers and petitions before His throne for themselves and others. Not all understand this process, so our priestly roles are very important. As His return draws nigh, we will see more and more confusion and fragmented souls because reality will rapidly come to light, and many will awaken to the fact that they have been living in Satan’s fantasy world or they have not advanced out of the Nicolaitan structure.
Let us strengthen ourselves as King David did and let us apply the wisdom Yah has given us to date, while at the same time functioning within our boundaries and capabilities. It is time to walk in the Spirit and run to Yahuah first and foremost, for in Him lies all the answers. He is the Great Physician that heals from the ‘inside out.’ HalleluYAH!
If you agree and can help spread His message, please note in the comment section ~ ‘on board!’
Many thanks in the Name of Yahusha HaMashiach, Jesus of Nazareth, Libby
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