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  • Writer's pictureLibby

Mom's Passing Onto Glory

To Our Shabbat Family Through our Fellowship of Torah to the Tribes,


My family wanted to thank all of you for your prayers and support for our mother as she passed away onto glory yesterday, 4/6/2024, while we were having Shabbat.  We had just said a special prayer on her behalf and at 11:38 a.m. my sister Carol Anne heard our ring camera go off.  She pulled it up and saw that it was unusual because this was our smallest ring camera and it usually doesn’t go off unless someone is walking up to our door.  We have it set in a very obscure place and the physical lens of this windowsill camera is less than one square inch.  When Carol Anne saw that it was a cardinal, she knew in her spirit that something had happened to mom.  We had been expecting her passing since she was 96 years young, she was tired, and she was ready.


I was reminded of a teaching Matthew shared one time when he asked, who was the first ‘sent one’ in the Bible, and he said the raven; then secondly the dove.  Therefore messaging birds are biblical.  I do believe Yah sent us a message through the cardinal to affirm in our hearts that mom was with Him and our prayers were answered.  We prayed for years for mom to receive “Jesus of Nazareth” and she finally did though steeped in the world of Catholicism.  Yah knew we would highly value an affirmation from Him letting us know all was well.


This cardinal flew right in front of this one very small lens with targeted precision and timing. Please view this female cardinal's miraculous flight at this link:


Praise Yah for His compassion, love, and comfort He gives us.

Shalom, Blessings, and Many Thanks,  Libby, Carol Anne, and Family

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Apr 14

Libby and Carol Anne,

I am so very sorry for your loss. Remember that your mother loved you guys dearly, and rejoiced in you as daughters, women of Yahuah, and as dear friends. May Abba Father comfort you and your family with His peace, and His love.

Apr 14
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Yes indeed Mary. Mom loved her 3 girls very much and reminded us of that love often. 💕🤗


Apr 12

So sorry for your loss. May Yah’s love comfort your family.

Apr 12
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Thank you Cheryl. Much love.💕


Christine Montgomery
Christine Montgomery
Apr 07

Libby and Carol Ann, sending you heartfelt hugs with sincerest condolences for the loss of your Mama, while knowing she is now at peace in Yahusha. Wonderful timing she recieved Yahusha as KING several months ago!

Apr 07
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Thank you Christine for your thoughts and prayers from both me and Carol Anne.

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